Those who strive to take breathtaking photos that inspire everyone from your closest relatives to someone on the other side of the world
turn your secret photography goals into your life’s work...
from an
Award Winning Photographer who works with
National Geographer

Erin pushed me towards something that I had just been giving lip service to for years.
I was feeling stuck and this got me out of the 'waiting room' and moving towards something I'm now doing.

One of the biggest things I got from the course was actually getting weekly assignments and challenges.
It encouraged me to experiment with not only camera settings and composition, but also editing and post production techniques.
Elevate Your Unique Photography Style
Elevate Your Photography Style is a 3 week mini course that will give you everything you need to elevate your photography from an Award Winning Photographer who works with National Geographic.
The course incorporates pre-recorded lessons with live Q&A Zoom classes. There are also weekly assignments and an exclusive facebook group. All specially designed so that you finish the course with the answers to all of your photography questions and work that will gain recognition.
- A mini course of what is offered in Hogue Education -
Whether your goal is to...
Confidently put you work out into the world
Take better family photos that will make Grandpa’s eyes tear up
Walk into your favorite gallery to see your work being admired by hundreds of people
Getting your ideal clients, proving to all the naysayers that you can make money with your photography
Traveling the world with your camera and a backpack getting to explore all of the most amazing places
Research shows that 90% of people perform better with specific and challenging goals that incorporate regular feedback, and have solid support.
I WANT THISCan we get real for a second my passionate photographers?
If I took a look behind the scenes would I find…
Harddrives full of great photos that have never seen the light of day.
Fancy notebooks full of your amazing photo ideas that you have no idea how to make happen like getting a free trip Alaska to shoot breathtaking icebergs
Secret wishes of where you would love your photography to go but that you’re too scared to even say out loud.
It’s not like you want these things to happen.
So, you’ve watched YouTube videos til your eyes have gone red yet still, your photos never come out the way they do in your head regardless of how many times you go out and try you just can’t seem to nail it.
Luckily, (what no one else tells you) is…
it’s not your fault
You see those things weren’t created for photographers like us, who’s big aspirations and extreme passion were the reason we picked up a camera in the first place...
Which is why photo discussion sessions on your work are geared towards having you achieve your unique photography goals AND from someone who has been where you are and figured out how to achieve more than she ever thought like becoming a National Geographic Photographer.
I Want this LIMITED TIME COURSEWhat’s Included:
Awarding Winning Photographer who works with
National Geographic
Erin Hogue
- - -
Elevate Your Photography Style is the simplest way for you to take your photography to the next level, stand out, gain recognition, get published
have editors, curators and clients coming back to you over and over again.
Elevate Your Photography Style will walk you step-by-step through:
How to start thinking about your photography
How to develop your unique photography style
Elevate the quality of your work to the next level
Staying inspired
Continuing to challenge yourself to produce breathtaking images
Gain the confidence to put your work out there.
When you sign-up, you'll get:
Access to ask me all the photography question you have
Connect with a community of photographers all going through the same challenges you are
Access to an exclusive facebook group
60 min weekly lessons for 3 weeks
Live Q&A ZOOM Classes
Weekly assignments
All classes are recorded and sent to you incase miss a scheduled class you can catch up
Hogue Education offers completely different types of online photography courses with the power to:
Get you to consistently create the photos you want, photos that will catch the eye of editors, curators and clients.
Get you to confidently put your work out into the world
Make your competition 100% irrelevant
Have a path on how to reach all of your unique photography goals.
How do they do it?
Research show...
That you are 76% more likely to achieve your goals if you share weekly progress. Scheduled accountability is a gamechanger.
( )
The research goes on to show...
That 90% of people perform better with specific and challenging goals that incorporate regular feedback, and have solid support.
Claim Your Spot NowNow, I know what you’re thinking “why can’t I just find this information on YouTube”?
First off, I appreciate your skepticism.
These days, literally everyone with a phone, has a camera and claims they are a photographer.
They have all the advice in the world about how to shoot and what to do but the second you ask ‘how’d that work for you?” they disappear or rattle off their instagram following not the awards they have won, where their work has been published and who they’ve worked with and the amount of money they’ve made.

The truth is I’ve been a professional photographer for a decade and shooting photos before digital was even a thing and I had to go in the darkroom to print photos. I’ve worked with top outdoor brands like The Northface, Patagonia and Evo, been published worldwide, been featured in numerous galleries including Summerset Gallery in London, England.
I am a National Geographic photographer, a Sony Alpha Female, and I have an X-Games Gold Medal for Action Sports Photography.
Did I mention that I grew up in the suburbs of Toronto and didn't go into the backcountry until I was 25? I showed up in Whistler with a camera, zero contacts and $500 to my name…proving you can start anywhere with whatever you have.
I'm InWouldn’t it be nice if you could just have someone take your hand and say just angle it a little bit to the left and have your photos go from good to outstanding.
Why keep trying to do it all on your own?
Get INSANE Mini Course
So, if you’ve been watching Youtube videos for months trying to:
compete with Julie’s family photography that somehow makes every family look glamorous,
take action photos like the ones you see plastered on the windows of your favorite shop,
create gorgeous prints like the stunning ones hanging in your local gallery
Or, capture perfectly composed lifestyles.
Why keep feeling bad about something that is supposed to be fun
and make you feel better?
Take the leap.
Gain confidence thanks to valuable information from someone who has been where you are and built a successful career
while being told she’d...
Never get anywhere if she took bullsh*t classes like photography.